Olivia L. Photography

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The Road Less Traveled

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

I often dream about roads, particularly Buster Road, where my relatives live and where my ancestors are buried. In these dreams, I’m on a journey, sometimes treacherous as the road has is altered; missing sections, caverns to traverse, deserts to cross, dense jungles with frayed rope bridges, the list goes on and on (also it can get very Mad Max Fury Road at times). However, I’m often guided by my grandmother in these dreams and God. Through the perilous journey, there’s a sense of calm as I have their support. In waking, I try to analyze why I had the dream and where I am in life for that event to manifest in my sleep. Am I worried about something, stressing out about life? Or am I beginning something new, and obstacles are producing a sense of fear?

Buster Road-Reynolds GA

Life is a journey in which you select and walk many paths. Selecting your way can have a significant impact on the outcome. Our journeys will differ from each other; some will have more mountains to climb and dragons to slay. Do not be afraid to try something new. The great thing about life, if that path doesn’t work, you can restart the journey.

Written by Tosha

Tell us about your Wandering and Journeys: what dreams/goals are you working on? Where are you or want to be in life? What are you praying/wishing for? Once again, this is a safe space ( cause I will delete any negative comments.